Support Us

Research conducted at UW and by the USGS and numerous other institutions using PNSN data, have contributed to our evolving understanding of the earthquake and volcanic hazards in our region. As our hazard assessments evolve so dose our understanding of risks citizens, businesses and government agencies face in our region. PNSN scientists and staff work to keep our communities informed about the latest research and contribute time and expertise to numerous efforts in our region to reduce our vulnerability to earthquake and volcanic hazards. Our grant funding dose not directly support these efforts. 

Another effective way for the PNSN to serve the public as well as educate future scientists is to hire UW undergraduates to assist PNSN operations. We have many more applicants than available funds.

Recent undergraduate projects have included

1.  Finding sites and deploying our latest Netquakes strong-motion seismometers across the Puget Sound.

2.  Documenting the strong motion instrumentation in the Pacific Northwest, working with local City and State officials.

3.  Aiding installation of instruments on regional volcanoes and in wilderness.

4.  Presenting numerous talks and demonstrations for schools, clubs, and conferences.

5.  Maintaining and updating information on web pages.

Your contribution to the Friends of Earthquakes fund will enable us to continue and expand these services to the region. Your tax deductible donation is a direct way you can help reduce losses from the next earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption to impact our Cascadia Region.

If you are interested in contributing to support the PNSN, please make an online donation to the PNSN Friends of Earthquakes Fund or contact Bill Steele,, for further information.

Donations for the broader effort of Earth Sciences Research and Education at the UW would be sent here: Friends of ESS Fund