PNSN Data & Products Overview

PNSN produces and distributes a variety of seismic data and data products for a wide range of users and purposes.

There is often more than one method or place for you to get the information you want. The links below provide the most common ways to get information that we and our collaborators produce. As of 2012, this web page is rapidly being updated and improved. As problems are found and fixed or new capabilities are added we are documenting them in a web-transition-details page.



Quickshake Near real-time feeds and archived data from PNSN seismic stations.


Alarms & Notification Quickly be notified about the location and size of earthquakes in the region


Earthquake Impacts Explore the effects and impacts of larger earthquakes in the region

Exotic Events Things we seismically record but that are not earthquakes

Seismic waveforms! Ground motion recordings from our stations.


NetQuakes Our publicly-hosted strong motion network 


 Earthquake Catalogs  



Event  Parametric Data Technical details event-by-event: phase arrivals, amplitudes, alternative magnitudes, and more


  PNW Earthquake Early Warning