2015 RAC Agenda

May 16, 2016



ANSS-PNW Advisory Committee Meeting

June 2th, 2015 from 9:30am-3pm

University of Washington Club


9:00 Coffee and Danish


9:30 Bill Steele & CB Crouse:  Introductions and review of agenda.


9:45 Paul Bodin: Budgets, widgets, and deployment priorities: Positioning the PNSN for the age of EEW opportunities and challenges. 


10:30 Craig Weaver: Update on USGS programs and priorities in the PNW


11:00  John Vidale:  PNW Earthquake Early Warning developments


11:30  Advisory Committee discussion: EEW challenges, what happens after the alert is issued?

Where  do we want the system to be in two years and how do we get there? Steele moderator


12:00  Working Lunch sponsored by the UW Foundation, Friends of Earthquakes fund


12:15  Lunch talk: M9 one year in, Jeff Berman 20 minute overview.


12:45 Bill Steele, PNSN Outreach 


1:00 CB Crouse: NHERP, 


State of Washington:

1:15 John Schelling (Washington EMD): WS-EMD and Seismic Safety Committee update of earthquake-related issues.

1:30 Dave Norman or Tim Walsh:  WS-DNR update of earthquake-related issues.


State of Oregon

1:45 Ian Madin (DOGAMI): Oregon State update of earthquake-related issues.

2:00 Althea Rizzo (OEM):  Oregon State update of earthquake-related issues.


2:15 Advisory Committee Discussion: The future of seismic monitoring in Oregon. (List 4 or 5 questions for discussion)


2:45 John Vidale and CB Crouse:  Follow-up on issues unresolved, action item listing.


3:00 Ajourn 


3:15 Beer in UW Club Pub

Action Items from three years ago:


Planning in the face of potential large budget fluctuations 

Keep RAC informed of EEW results.

Coastal strong motion stations according to Moore plan.

Publicize roll out of new PNSN web site.

Issue of retaining Cascadia Initiative stations.


Potential action items from last year:

1.  Change schedule or function of RAC.

2.  Continued evolution of EEW

3.  Hazard Center developments

4.  Hanford developments

Please send your agenda ideas and comments to wsteele@uw.edu


ANSS-PNW Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

June 2th, 2015 from 9:30am-3pm

University of Washington Club


9:00 Coffee and Danish


9:30 Bill Steele & CB Crouse:  Introductions and review of agenda.


9:45 Paul Bodin: Budgets, widgets, and deployment priorities: Positioning the PNSN for the age of EEW opportunities and challenges. 


10:30 Craig Weaver: Update on USGS programs and priorities in the PNW


11:00  John Vidale:  PNW Earthquake Early Warning developments


11:30  Advisory Committee discussion: EEW challenges, what happens after the alert is issued?

Where  do we want the system to be in two years and how do we get there? Steele moderator


12:00  Working Lunch sponsored by the UW Foundation, Friends of Earthquakes fund


12:15  Lunch talk: M9 one year in, Jeff Berman 20 minute overview.


12:45 Bill Steele, PNSN Outreach 


1:00 CB Crouse: NHERP, 


State of Washington:

1:15 John Schelling (Washington EMD): WS-EMD and Seismic Safety Committee update of earthquake-related issues.

1:30 Dave Norman or Tim Walsh:  WS-DNR update of earthquake-related issues.


State of Oregon

1:45 Ian Madin (DOGAMI): Oregon State update of earthquake-related issues.

2:00 Althea Rizzo (OEM):  Oregon State update of earthquake-related issues.


2:15 Advisory Committee Discussion: The future of seismic monitoring in Oregon. (List 4 or 5 questions for discussion)


2:45 John Vidale and CB Crouse:  Follow-up on issues unresolved, action item listing.


3:00 Ajourn 


3:15 Beer in UW Club Pub

Action Items from three years ago:


Planning in the face of potential large budget fluctuations 

Keep RAC informed of EEW results.

Coastal strong motion stations according to Moore plan.

Publicize roll out of new PNSN web site.

Issue of retaining Cascadia Initiative stations.


Potential action items from last year:

1.  Change schedule or function of RAC.

2.  Continued evolution of EEW

3.  Hazard Center developments

4.  Hanford developments

Please send your agenda ideas and comments to wsteele@uw.edu