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PNSN Principal Investigators: |
PNSN Director, UW Professor |
OHAZ, UO Professor |
Renate Hartog PNSN Network Manager |
OHAZ Associate Director |
Lynn Simmons USGS PNSN Network Manager, Geophysicist |
Staff: |
Gillean Arnoux UO Network Operator |
Tamara Beschomer UO Field Engineer |
UW Research Professor |
David Bowen USGS Physical Science Technician |
Nathan Briley UW Senior Computer Specialist |
Gavin Bullock UW Web Developer |
Mickey Cassar UW Field Engineer |
Alexey Chernyshov UW Senior Computer Specialist |
Taylor Cox USGS Electronics Technician |
Jason De Cristofaro USGS Geophysicist |
Doug Gibbons UW Field Engineer &Seismology Lab Coordinator |
Ethan Goad UO Field Engineer |
Karl Hagel UW Lead Field Engineer |
Mitch Hilbert UO Telecommunications Coordinator |
Alex Hutko UW Research Seismologist |
Barrett Johnson UW Seismic Analyst |
Daniel Knip UW Field Engineer |
Gabriel Lotto UW ShakeAlertUser Engagement Facilitator |
Kyla Marczewski UW Lead Software Engineer |
Sara Meyer UO Lead Field Engineer |
Kelly Missett UO ShakeAlertUser Engagement Facilitator |
Colin O'Rourke USGS ShakeAlert Coordinator |
Ben Pratt UW Field Engineer |
Brendan Pratt UW Instrumentation andNetworking Engineer |
Mouse Reusch UW ShakeAlert Coordinator &Data Opertations Lead |
Tom Rockey UW Senior Network Engineer |
Nicholas Schlagenhaft UW Seismic Network Specialist |
Leah Sonntag UO Systems Administrator |
Ben Starlin UO Data and Devices Specialist |
Nate Stevens UW Seismologist/Developer |
Mika Thompson UW Program Operations Specialist |
Silas Thoms UO Field Engineer |
Carl Ulberg UW Software Engineer |
Graylan Vincent UW Seismic Network Specialist |
Mats White UO Lead Networking andSystems Administrator |
Dylan Whitney UO Permitting & Contracts Specialist |
Amy Wright UW Lead Seismic Analyst
Brett Zimmermann USGS Electronics Technician |
Postdoctoral Researchers & Graduate Students: |
Audrey Dunham
USGS Mendenhall Research Fellow/ |
Sydney Dybing UW Postdoctoral Researcher |
Alysa Fintel
UW Seismology Graduate Student/ |
Yiyu Ni UW Seismology Graduate Student/Duty Seismologist |
Andrew Sparks UW Graduate Student |
Ian Stone USGS Mendenhall Research Fellow/Duty Seismologist |
Undergraduate Student Staff: |
Julia Clifton UO Undergraduate Student |
Miranda Jackson-Gain UW Undegraduate Student |
Dominic Myerchin UW Undergraduate Student |
Amelia Poppenhagen UW Undergraduate Student |
Nissa Stupakoff UW Undergraduate Student |
Sydney Whiting UO Undergraduate Student |