ShakeAlert Licensed Operators


The ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning system, operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), quickly detects significant earthquakes, estimates shaking, and issues ShakeAlert Messages to Licensed Operators. Licensed Operators, who entered into a license agreement with the USGS, use this information to develop and deliver alerts and notifications to people and trigger automated actions to protect vital systems and infrastructure, potentially seconds before shaking arrives at their location.
In most instances, Licensed Operators are integral to the success of the ShakeAlert project. By building systems that deliver ShakeAlert-powered alerts and automate actions, Licensed Operators help save lives, minimize injuries, and reduce earthquake damage to property and infrastructure. They can play a critical role in mitigating immediate earthquake losses, subsequent indirect earthquake economic impacts, and possible ripple effects, or “secondary disasters.” These mitigation efforts can increase a community’s recovery and speedy return to normal status. 
Licensed Operators span multiple industries and sectors, and include private for-profit companies, public entities, and nonprofit organizations.

This page is not the ultimate resource. Visit the Licensed Operator's website for more information about their product and services.
The USGS does not directly or indirectly endorse any product or service provided by these Licensees.
The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN), operated by the University of Washington and the University of Oregon, does not directly or indirectly endorse or warrant any product or service provided by these Licensees.
  • EEW: Earthquake Early Warning
  • Licensed Operator (LtO): USGS-approved ShakeAlert Partners demonstrated their ShakeAlert-powered product(s), service(s), and/or applications to end-users and met USGS performance standards (e.g., speed, reliability, technical performance, and education and training).
  • End-user: End-users receive ShakeAlert-powered products or services from LtO Partners. End-users include people who receive these products or services directly (e.g., to their cell phones), as well as organizations that work with an LtO Partner to implement automated “machine-to-machine” actions.
  • Business-to-Business: A B2B, or "business-to-business" company provides ShakeAlert-powered products and services to other businesses.
  • Business-to-Consumer: A B2C, or "business-to-consumer," company sells directly to individual consumers.


The following ShakeAlert Licensed Operators (LtO) provide ShakeAlert-powered implementations.

Licensed Operator

Product Name

Type of Product

Can automate infrastructure actions allowed under agreement with USGS

Can deliver alerts in public spaces where end-users are in controlled environments (e.g., hospitals, offices)

Can deliver public alerts to end-users in any environment (e.g., cell phone app)

Current implementation examples

Business-to-business (B2B) or Business-to-consumer (B2C)

Location availability of product, service, or application


Preferred contact information

Early Warning Labs Cloud Quake On-site device Yes Yes    PA systems, speakers, VOIP, voice activated fire alarm boxes, handheld two-way radio; open gates and fire station bay doors; stop elevators at nearest floor; throttle valves; train control systems; shut down or turn on industrial systems. B2B Washington, Oregon, California
Josh Bashioum  – 
Global Security Systems (GSS) / AlertFM EEWAlert On-site device   Yes   Audio and visual alerts delivered via FM Radio to Alert FM voice, text, bluethooth, desk, and wall receivers including ADA strobe light. B2B; B2C Washington, Oregon, California Matthew Straeb, EVP/CTO –
Kinemetrics OasisPlus Earthquake Response Platform Alerting Software   Yes   Deliver audio and visual alerts using via the OasisPlus Earthquake Response Platform. Provide rapid safety assessments enabling informed decision-making, rapid emergency response, and building occupant safety.  B2B Washington, Oregon, California Brandon Parrott – 
RH2 Engineering Advanced Seismic Controller (ASC) On-site device Yes Yes   Initiate alarms; throttle valves; turn off motorized equipment; de-energize electrical control panels; integration with staff alerting systems including WIN911, SMS. B2B Washington, Oregon, California 
Rick Ballard | 425-951-5328
Michele Campbell | 425-951-5394

Taylor Stockton | 503-278-5356
Bob Willis | 503-446-2904
SkyAlert SkyAlert IoT On-site device Yes Yes   Stop elevators at nearest floor and prevent manual operation; open fire station bay doors; stop machinery; turn off gas valves. Alerting methods include strobe lights and audible alerts. B2B Washington, Oregon, California Alvaro Velasco –
Valcom Valcom Earthquake Early Warning System (VEEWS) Alerting Software   Yes   Audio and visual alerts using intercom, VOIP, or PA speakers, including ADA message boards via Valcom intercom hardware. B2B Washington, Oregon, California Lauren Mason –
Varius Inc ShakeAlarm and ShakeAlarm Lite On-site device, Remote device Yes Yes  
Initiate alarms; throttle valves; turn off motorized equipment; de-energize electrical control panels; send alerts via PA systems, email, SMS; monitor pre- and post-earthquake building condition.
ShakeAlarm Lite is available to schools at no initial cost.
B2B, B2C Washington, Oregon, California
Dan Ervin, P.E. – 


The following ShakeAlert partners deliver ShakeAlert-powered alerts to the public via wireless devices, such as cell phones.

Licensed Operator

Product Name

Type of Product

Can automate infrastructure actions allowed under agreement with USGS

Can deliver alerts in public spaces where end-users are in controlled environments (e.g., hospitals, offices)

Can deliver public alerts to end-users in any environment (e.g., cell phone app)

Current implementation examples

Business-to-business (B2B) or Business-to-consumer (B2C)

Location availability of product, service, or application


Preferred contact information

Google Android Earthquake Alerts Operating system alerts     Yes No Information Provided by Licensed Operator B2C Washington, Oregon, California N/A Android Earthquake Alerts team –
MyShake™ MyShake App for Android and iOS phones, Chromebooks and MacOS     Yes The app is available in 6 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese Traditional, Vietnamese, Korean and Filipino. B2C Washington, Oregon, California Suresh Raman – 


The following ShakeAlert partners use their ShakeAlert-powered implementations for limited or internal uses only and are not for redistribution.

Licensed Operator

Product Name

Implementation Explanation


Business-to-business (B2B) or Business-to-consumer (B2C)

Location availability of product, service, or application


Preferred contact information

Allen Institute Desktop Alerts ShakeAlert-powered alerts sent to all Institute computers, so users can take protective action accordingly. n/a; This is for Allen Institute internal use only. Washington Colin Farrell –
Everbridge Everbridge Situational Awareness Notifications Situational awareness notification sent to staff in Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) facilities that a ShakeAlert Message has been issued by the USGS anywhere in California, Oregon, or Washington. End-users are not warned of imminent shaking or prompted to take a protective action. B2B PSAPs in Oregon and California coordinated by the Oregon Office of Emergency Management and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, respectively. Everbridge Team –
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) JPL EEW Automated alert delivery to JPL staff over a lab-wide PA system. Alert to people includes a tone with a spoken Drop, Cover, and Hold On message. Automated opening of the JPL fire department bay doors. n/a; This is for JPL internal use only California Margaret Ayala –
JPL Deep Space Network DSN ShakeAlert Response System (DSRS)
The DSRS utilizes ShakeAlert system data to implement preventive tools across JPL DSN. These automated tools will engage, putting affected DSN antennas into their safe mode, and practiced actions will prepare staff to intervene or manually engage safe mode as necessary.
n/a; This is for JPL internal use only California

Jacob London –
Metrolink (SCRRA) Commuter Rail Seismic Interface (CRSI) Metrolink (SCRRA) uses ShakeAlert data to alert Metrolink’s Positive Train Control (PTC) System that an earthquake is detected.  n/a; This is for Metrolink internal use only. California Luis Carrasquero –
San Fransisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) BART EEW A ShakeAlert-powered BART Train-Control System Application that delivers earthquake early warning controls to BART trains.  n/a; This is for BART internal use only. California Alvin Tsui -