EEW Workshop 2013
PNSN Earthquake Early Warning Workshop
February 27th, 2013 at the University of Washington
Meeting Objectives
Meeting Notes
A summary of the West Coast EEW effort is online at this link.
In this workshop, we will discuss the most useful path forward to develop EEW, and we plan to forge partnerships with a half dozen companies to test the prototype that is under development.
10am - noon
Introduction – Lisa Graumlich, Dean, College of the Environment
The West Coast EEW prototype – Cyndi Atherton, G&B Moore Foundation
Earthquake EEW Technologies and experience (global overview) - Allen (20)
US (California so far) effort and structure - Given (20)
PNW Tectonic background - Vidale (10)
PNW status and plan - Bodin (10)
(each presentation will be followed by ~10 minutes of discussion)
Lunch (noon to 1pm)
1pm - 2pm
Disperse into six or so break-out groups, pre-assigned to cross-cut expertise, each focusing on one topic, but also discussing rest as time permit. Each group will have self-select a discussion leader and note-taker.
1. Actual product, levels of certainty and forewarning that are useful?
Product - magnitude, location, shaking intensity expected, time until shaking
Uncertainty - (a) whether event happened, (b) intensity accuracy, (c) likelihood of event breaking up the coast.
2. Which groups are ready for warnings?
(a) Emergency managers, (b) companies, (c) the public, (d) news outlets
3. What groundwork is necessary to improve penetration of alerts?
(a) Public education, (b) better warning standardization, (c) USGS workshops
4. What are the means of warning distribution?
(a) texts, (b) web page, (c) direct pushed signals, (d) TV, (e) loudspeakers, (f) cell phones, (g) PAWS
5. How can we define cost vs benefit for sensible planning?
6. Are there implementation issues between the PNW, California, and Canada?
2pm – 3:30pm
Reports from the break-out groups and discussion
3:30pm – 4pm
Discussion of path forward – Vidale
4pm – 6pm
Casual discussions, wine, and beer - Magnolia Room, W Tower
Venue - rooms with a view atop the W Tower