Legacy Web Pages

This section contains web pages from the PNSN pre-2012 web site that didn't translate well into the new format.  Some of these pages are historical documents, descriptions of individual earthquakes or other seismic events or seismic records.  This page has links to these legacy documents in general categories that were used previously.

The following are categories of pages we have available but are just static pages in the old format.  Some of these pages have links which go nowhere because pages, both on our site and pages referenced to other sites no longer exist.

  • Formal annual, quarterly and technical reports of network operations:
    Starting in 1976 funding agencies required a formal report covering details of network operations and interesting or unusual seismic events.  Over the years these reports provide the details of the PNSN history and accomplishments.  While earthquake catalogs often made up the bulk of some reports, we usually leave the complete catalogs out of the reports provided here because modern web-based catalog access is far easier and more complete.  The reports in this section are a combination of PDF documents generated by scanning hard copy reports that were originally typed and photo-copied. The quality of these is sometimes poor, but the scanning software usually provides text based search capability using most PDF readers. After about 1995 computer files for many of the reports are available and have been converted into either PDF or HTML format.
  • News items relevant to seismic or network events in the Pacific Northwest
    Many events or situations that resulted in press releases or other special public information products were listed in the legacy web pages under "News".  These were a hodge-podge of items, most of which don't easily fit in our current web page.  Some items have extensive additional information and others are very simple.
  • Old Notable earthquakes
    We used to maintain a list of earthquakes that we considered to be "notable", either for their size or some unusual character that got public attention.  We sometimes produced "extra" web page information related to these events including special maps or time series.  These old pages may be linked to the relevant earthquake in our regular catalog under the "extra Information" tab as well as listed in this legacy page.
  • Old ETS Blogs
    A special web page was made for each of the northern Washington-southern Vancouver Island 14-month Episodic Tremor and Slip events starting in 2003.  Those ETS events prior to 2012 are in the format of the old web pages.  Since then they have been made part of the new system.
  • Example seismograms for unusual seismic events
    Many things that are not just regular earthquakes were included in our old web pages as special recordings of interesting events or sequences.  Seismic records for such things as micro-earthquake swarms, avalanches, fireballs and explosions were saved and are now displayed here.  Since 2012 such events have shown up in our blog posts.

Remember: There are links in many of these docuemnts that are broken, go nowhere, fail.  Do not bother letting us know.  We know about them but will probably leave them as is unless we can find the supporting material at which to aim the link.