Fan-o-meter (realtime feed)

The Fan-O-Meter was a failure and has been abandoned. It was replace by  Fan-O-Meter2 


Here is the text explaining what the fan-O-meter displayed and how it worked:

Top trace: data from the field level sensor (HWK1).

Second trace: data from the sensor on the west upper deck (HWK2).

Third trace: data from the sensor on the east upper deck (HWK3).

Bottom trace: data from the ground floor of a small building across the street from CenturyLink Field (KDK, long time permanent network station).  


If all is operating correctly you should see a display of 4 panels with wiggly traces slowly moving across each one.  Each trace shows the vertical component of ground acceleration at a single station for the past 5 minutes. New data should appear on the right about 4-6 seconds after realtime (due to delays in packetizing, telemetry and presentation software).  The amplitude in each panel is auto-scaled to the maximum signal over the five minutes.  Thus as bigger or smaller vibrations show up on the right or disappear off the left the whole panel will rescale.  Thus, this display is only useful for observing the relative changes in shaking over the five minute period.


Disclaimer: This is a very experimental presentation using WebSockets and the HTML5 canvas. Most older web browsers will not support this technology. Read more